Certification Frequently Asked Questions

2. I have changed my name, how do I change it for my credential?

Please send an email to cert.doe@maine.gov with your new name and we will make the change for you.

3. My SSN is wrong, what do I do?

Please upload a copy of your social security card and we will fix your account information.

4. I am not associated with any accounts, what do I do?

Please contact us by emailing cert.doe@maine.gov detailing your issue.

5. Where do I login to my MEIS account?

Please click here to login to your MEIS account.

6. I am not an educator, why does my account say I am?

Anyone who works in a school is considered to be an "educator" in our system.

7. I am locked out of my account, what do I do?

Please contact us by emailing cert.doe@maine.gov detailing your issue.

8. My work history on my account is not right, how do I fix this?

Work history is reported to us by the schools and may not cover all of your years of experience. Please know this is not related to MainePERS.

9. My degree is not listed on my account, how do I fix this?

Often times degrees are not listed because we have not received an official transcript with the conferred degree yet or your file was created prior to our new online system. Please send us an email and we will be happy to fix this.

10. Why does my account say there is a deficiency letter present?

This means that your application has been completed and there is an evaluation letter available for you to view through your correspondence tab.

11. I have forgotten my username and password, what do I do?

Please contact us by emailing cert.doe@maine.gov detailing your issue. Please do not create another account as this will cause a number of issues.

12. How do I print my certificate?

To print proof of certificate, you can print your profile page or you can use click here to view your certificate. When looking up in NEO you will only need to enter your last name and last 4 of SSN or your educator ID.

Application Questions

13. How do I apply?

14. What is a state approved program?

State approved programs are college teacher preparation program. If you have completed a state approved program, the college recommends you for certification.

15. I went to a state approve program, what do I need to submit?

Some state approve program will make note of your recommendation on the transcript. If not, please submit an approve program verification form completed by the college. The form can be found on the Forms & Resources page.

16. I hold a master's degree, do I need to submit my bachelors?

Yes, an application is not consider completed until we received your bachelors.

17. I am wondering if I have met the requirements for certification, can you tell me?

We do not evaluate individuals without an application. You will need to apply for certification so we can review your transcripts. Please know your application does not expire therefore you can continue to work towards your certification goal.

18. Do I need to submit official transcripts?

Yes, we will not accept coursework on unofficial transcripts. A transcript is considered official when submitted with the college seal and registrar's signature. Please know we will accept a scanned copy of your official transcript.

19. Can I use experience for coursework requirement?

We do not accept experience in place of coursework.

20. I am applying for a second endorsement, do I need to resubmit documents?

No, if you have submitted transcripts or test scores prior to us you do not need to resubmit.

21. I received my evaluation letter and have new coursework to submit, how do I?

You can upload transcripts into your MEIS account. Once received, we will re-review your application.

22. I received my evaluation letter and think a course was missed, what do I do?

You can submit course descriptions for us to re-review courses. Course descriptions can be uploaded into your account.

23. My degree is was received outside of the United States, will you accept it?

All foreign transcript must be submitted with a course by course analysis completed by a NACES member organization.

24. I want to take courses to count towards my endorsement, how will I know if they are acceptable?

You can email course descriptions to us to ensure they are acceptable. Please be sure to include the school offering the course along with the course description.

25. Can I request a refund?

Unfortunately, no. Please ensure your application is for what you need and the fee is what you are expecting before submitting. If you are unsure, please contact us.

Renewal Questions

26. How do I renew my credential?

27. Can I align my renewal dates of my credentials?

If you hold multiple credentials you will be given the option to renew all your credentials during the renewal process. You will still need to meet the renewal requirements within the lifespan of each certificate. You cannot align conditional expiration dates.

28. I am not employed at a school, how do I renew?

Along with the renewal application, teachers, administrators and educational specialist will need to submit 6 college credits or 90 contact hours. Ed Tech will need to submit 3 college credits or 45 contact hours. Feel free to email us to check if you need fingerprints.

29. I can't find the renewal button, what do I do?

The renewal button does not appear until 6 months prior to your expiration date.

30. My credential is lapsed, what do I do?

Please submit an initial application by clicking the 'Apply for a New Maine Credential' button on your account homepage. Feel free to email us to check with if you need to new fingerprints.

31. What is accepted for contact hours?

For contact hours we are looking for professional development hours. These can be trainings done in school or out of the school. Contact hours must related to development of your profession.

32. I have multiple certificates, can I use the same contact hours for all of them?

Yes, as long as they were completed during the lifespan of the certificate.

Out of State Questions

33. I am a certified teacher in another state, can I be certified in Maine?

Individuals may receive a reciprocal professional certificate if they have submitted a criminal history background check and they hold a comparable certificate in another state, the District of Columbia, a United States territory, or another country only to address the identified staffing shortage (Shortage area list).

34. What do I need to submit with my application as an out-of-state teacher?

Please submit official transcripts with all of your degrees, any valid teaching certificate, and a detailed teaching resume.

35. I completed a state-approved teacher program; what do I need to submit?

If there is a note on your transcript stating you graduated from an approved program, all we need is your transcripts. If you do not see anything on the transcript regarding this, please submit an approve program verification form completed by the college. The form can be found on the Forms & Resources page.

36. How do I complete the fingerprint requirement while out of state?

IdentoGo has an out-of-state mail in option. You will want to register with that option and follow the instructions provided.

37. If I have my master's degree, do I still need to submit my bachelor's degree?

Yes, an application is not considered complete until we receive your bachelor's degree.

38. Can I use my experience for any course requirements?

No, we do not accept experience in place of the coursework requirement.

Fingerprint Questions

39. I just need to apply for fingerprint clearance, what do I need to do?

If you are looking for a CHRC only, you will need to complete two steps.

Step 1:

Create a MEIS account and please sure to select that you want to be a Maine Educator. Submit a new application for CHRC. Instructions on how to submit an application for CHRC only.

The application fee will be $15

Step 2:

Register with our Fingerprinting Partner, IdentoGO. They have a processing fee of $55.

40. How often do I need to have my fingerprints taken?

Every 5 years, unless you have been continuously employed for the last 5 years by a Maine school district. If your certificate has lapsed (more than 6 months expired), you will need to be fingerprinted. **Coaches and Substitute Teachers must be fingerprinted every 5 years, regardless of continuous employment

41. I need to renew my CHRC, what do I do?

To renew a CHRC only, you will need to click the button apply for a new Maine Credential on your profile and select 'non- teaching endorsement'. If you hold a valid certificate already, you do not need to renew your CHRC. Your CHRC has part of your certificate now.

42. Why am I being told I don't have fingerprints on file when I know I do?

If you have been employed in at Maine school for 5 years continuously, often times this is due to an error in work history. Please submit a verification of employment to resolve.

43. What is a verification of employment?

This is a document created by the school detailing the position you have held and for how long.

44. Where do I get my fingerprints taken?

Find Approved IdentoGo Locations . When registering you will want to select 'new hire' even if you've been employed prior.

45. I had my fingerprints taken for another job, can I use those?

No, we cannot accept fingerprints results from another state or department. You must be fingerprinted for the Maine DOE specifically. Please be sure to select Department of Education when registering.

46. I had my fingerprints taken, where is my CHRC clearance?

Receiving a CHRC is a two step process. If you have not submitted an application, we will not process your fingerprints. The application includes a $15 fee. Instructions on how to apply for CHRC only.

47. How do I complete the fingerprint requirement while living out of state?

You will still register through IdentoGo and select 'out of state applicant'. Then you will want to follow the instructions provided by IdentoGo. You will still need to pay the $55 IdentoGo fee.

48. How do I print my CHRC certificate?

To print proof of CHRC, you can print your profile page or you can use click here to view your certificate. When looking up in NEO you will only need to enter your last name and last 4 of SSN or your educator ID.

49. Where is my CHRC line?

If you were issued a certificate, the CHRC is a pre-requisite therefore you will not have that separate line.

Contact Us

Would you like to contact a member of the certification services team?

If so, send an email to: cert.doe@maine.gov and include the following in your message (where applicable):

Call the certification services team: (207)-624-6603.

Please note: due to an extremely high call volume, we recommend you send an email. Multiple phone calls and emails can delay a response.