FIRST at Blue Ridge is a North Carolina Licensed Peer Led – Peer driven, 12 Step Based, Modified Therapeutic Community with an Intensive Clinical Overlay.
FIRST is a residential therapeutic community for individuals with chronic substance use disorders and provides transitional housing, group counseling, self-help meetings, case management, job-placement assistance, and other services to individuals struggling with addiction, homelessness, unemployment and involvement with the criminal justice system.
The program’s mission is to provide opportunity, guidance, and education to those with addictions and assist them to make positive life changes, in order to become responsible and productive members of society.
FIRST at Blue Ridge, Inc. is a licensed therapeutic community in the State of North Carolina. We are a non-profit organization governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. The program is located in Ridgecrest, NC which is east of Asheville, NC on Interstate 40. The campus is comprised of a five story residential building with the capacity for eighty-five men, a sixty-five bed women’s facility and other administrative, mechanical, landscaping, clinical and transitional facilities. Each transitional house is self-contained and is reserved for individuals who have completed their specific program’s curriculum. Eligibility to live in the transitional houses is determined by FIRST staff … read more
FIRST works in conjunction with a network of local businesses and is currently engaged with Learning to Lead, formerly AMP Connect, in Western North Carolina. Learning to Lead was recently featured on the Asheville Chamber of Commerce site for work to facilitate industrial job-skill training for people in long-term recovery programs. Click here to read the article. Way to go!!
First At Blue Ridge, Inc.
32 Knox Road – PO Box 40
Ridgecrest, NC 28770
Phone #: 828-669-0011
First Admissions: 828-669-0011 ext 1106 , ext 1111 or Cell# 828-337-1153
First Admissions Fax: 828-669-0596 (Admissions related)
Administrative Offices Fax: 828-669-0589 (Non-admissions related)
Our Mission
The program’s mission is to provide opportunity, guidance, and education to those with addictions and assist them to make positive life changes, in order to become responsible and productive members of society.
Our Creed
Honesty I will promote the Truth. I will not lie, cheat or steal. I will move toward recovery through fair and honest means.
Open-Mindedness I will listen with the intention of learning. I will accept the fact that my best thinking got me here.
Willingness I will accept those things I was unwilling to try before. And I will give them an honest effort.
Respect I will treat others only as I would like to be treated, with respect and dignity.
Unity I will base my decisions on what is best for this house. What is best for this house is best for me at any given moment.
I can't, but WE can!
FIRST at Blue Ridge Inc. - A State of North Carolina Licensed Therapeutic Community - MHL #011-264